People enjoy a variety of pastimes, and some of them can be more dangerous than others.
Activities such as scuba diving, rock climbing, and aviation can sometimes make it difficult for individuals to secure the insurance they desire.
Claybrooke understands how important life insurance is to many people and works to obtain life insurance for people who enjoy these “hazardous” pastimes.
The coverage does not come with extremely high premiums or hassle when applying for a life insurance plan.
Hazardous Pastimes and Life Insurance
When looking into policies such as income protection, critical illness cover, and life insurance, partaking in hazardous pastimes can affect the terms of your coverage.
Many insurance companies consider extreme sports, private aviation, motorcycle riding, rock climbing, sailing, and scuba diving to be among these dangerous activities.
Insurance companies are always concerned about the higher risk of injury or death from these activities and employ higher premiums to cover that risk.
While participating in hazardous pastimes will not prevent you from securing a life insurance or other insurance policy, you will likely pay higher premiums than someone who does not engage in those activities.
Click To Compare QuotesIn some cases, insurance companies will exclude the possibility of making a claim should you be injured or die doing one of these activities, which means they will remove activities such as private aviation or motorsports from the policy’s claimable list.
What Insurance Companies Want to Know
It is important to remember that each insurance provider is unique and has its own set of criteria for hazardous pastimes.
Generally, you will need to provide the insurance company with information such as the type of dangerous activities you participate in, how involved you are, how often you participate in the given activity, what – if any – qualifications you have toward the activity, where these activities take place, and if any of them are part of a competition setting.
The answers to these questions will help the insurance company determine the amount of risk it will take by offering income protection, critical illness cover, or life insurance.
These factors will also decide whether to exclude your activity from the policy’s claimable list and use your answers to calculate your monthly premiums.
Remember, each insurance company is different. While some agencies may consider rock climbing a considerable risk, others may offer standard insurance terms.
How We Can Help
There are hundreds of insurance companies across the United Kingdom, all with specific standards and views on hazardous pastimes.
Some companies will increase the policyholder’s monthly premium to help cover the additional risk, others will exclude the activity, and some insurance agencies will not consider a specific pastime hazardous at all and offer the policyholder standard terms.
This is why shopping around for different life insurance options is so important.
Click To Compare QuotesClaybrooke has a knowledgeable team of insurance advisors ready to help you do just that.
Our advisors will take the time to get to know you and understand your activities while also collecting information on what you are looking for in income protection, critical illness coverage, or life insurance policy.
Then, we will thoroughly research various insurance providers and their policy options to help you find the perfect policy that fits your lifestyle and budget.
Just because you enjoy a pastime considered “hazardous” does not mean you cannot qualify for an affordable income protection, critical illness cover, or life insurance policy.
By shopping around to different insurance companies and getting helpful advice from your Claybooke advisor, you can find an agency willing to cover you and help protect your family, even if you enjoy the occasional rock climbing trip or motocross race.
Claybrooke’s team is here and ready to help you!